Anyone who checks in regularly can tell that things have been shriveling around here for months. I know it is not out of the ordinary for a blog to disappear into the internet graveyard with barely a whimper, but I still...
Seen Avatar yet? I’m guessing a lot of you have since it has earned over $700,000,000 at the domestic box office which makes it the number one movie of all time. It’s also nominated for 9 academy awards, if you’re into...
I must be getting old, because time is really flying by. Hopefully that means spring will be here soon. Below is my family’s expenses for January: $840.39 – Mortgage $759.20 – health Insurance $507.48 – Groceries $450.00 – Preschool $382.55 –...
Tonight at dinner I told me wife that we were down to only $3500 left on her student loan. She gave a chuckle and said that she has forgotten almost everything she learned in college. I told her that was alright...
Happy New Year! I don’t know about you, but I have been having a difficult time getting back into rhythm after the holidays. Hopefully I can get back on track soon. Until then here is my family’s spending report for last...
Now that Black Friday is well behind us, it’s time to get serious about finding that great gift. As luck would have it, my daughter wants one of the hottest toys for 2009. You guessed it, she wants Zhu Zhu Pets!!!...
School has been kicking my butt lately. I’ve never looked forward to Thanksgiving as much as I did this year, and then it flew by way too fast. Hopefully I’ll be able to find some time to squeeze out some posts...
In case you haven’t noticed, I have been out of sorts for a while. Probably since July when I shut down Top Blog Posts after being burned out. I haven’t been burned out for months, but I just never really got...
I’m going to blame the tardiness of this expense report due to my Halloween Hangover. It’s either that or the time change. It can’t be because I was too lazy to put this together can it? Nope, must be Daylight Savings...
Late October is an exciting time for sports fans. Football is in full swing, we get the World Series and the NBA season tips off as well. A little something for everybody. With that in mind a couple of stores in...