I know that probably sounds like blasphemy to a lot of folks out there, but I am starting to feel like it is the truth. As much as I like free markets, they don’t magically solve every problem. We all probably...
Like most things in life financial maturity is a journey not a destination. If we are open we will keep changing and broadening our perspective. Recently this has taken the form of questioning my definition of the purpose of money. I...
With the car breaking down on Sunday and still having a ton of work to do for the 149th Carnival of PF, I ended up only getting 8 hours of sleep on Sunday night. I can survive, and ten years ago...
The unthankful heart… discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings! -Henry Ward Beecher As I drove home from the...
A funny thing happened as I was about to get in the shower this morning, I noticed that there was a little definition to my upper abs. I am not talking about a Muscle and Fitness 6-pack here, but maybe a...