Screw Saving Money…I Want a Snowblower!


I’ve had to shovel snow at least once a day for the past 6 days.

I’m sick of it!

I live on a corner lot so that means I have two long sections of sidewalk to shovel within 24 hours after it snows.  I also have a longish driveway which adds to the misery.  Throw in our walkways to and from the house and it takes me about an hour to get done.  Longer when I have to bust up drifts after a blizzard.

Did I mention this is all done in below zero temps!?!?

Every time after I get done and I’m trying to thaw out with some hot chocolate  I tell myself that when my feet and hands regain feeling that I’m going to go to the store and pick up a snowblower.  I of course never do. There are a few reasons for this:

  1. I’m a cheapskate.
  2. I don’t have the money.
  3. It means I’m old and can’t handle shoveling.

#1 & #2 go together.  If I don’t have the money for a snowblower, I really shouldn’t be thinking of getting one.

But reason #3 is a tough one to swallow.

Sad to say but I think I am getting too old to handle shoveling.  For the past few mornings I’ve been waking up with a mighty stiff back and a sore knee.  It feels like I just got done with a tennis tournament.  I’m thinking if I’m gonna blow my budget on a snowblower, I might as well get some new comfy boots so I can walk behind it in comfort.

But that’s a dream.   There’s no snowblower coming my way anytime soon.

My parents never had a snowblower until I moved out.  That’s because I was the snowblower. My kids don’t know it yet, but they too will serve the function of snowblower until they move out.  My daughter just turned four.  I figure she will start being a useful helper in about 6-8 years.

Can I handle 6-8 more years?  I hope so.

With my snowblower dreams dashed for now, imagine the choice words I used this morning when the city plows came by and blocked my driveway with a 3 foot wall of snow right before I had to take the kids to daycare.

Good news though…after a few more days of below zero temps, the weather report is looking good (if you call 20 degrees good). And the main thing is that there is no snow in the forecast.


Until next time,



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