The Cost Of Having Children

bouncing-baby-boy.jpgA year after our son joined our family, I remember looking back over our budget and being amazed. Nothing had changed!!!

How could that be? We had host of new expenses like a $100 every few months formula, yet the amount we could put towards debt and save each month hadn’t really changed.

What happened was that having a child changed our priorities. Things like going to dinner and a movie disappeared and the money was routed to more important places. No longer was getting new coat important. I would rather stay home with my family instead of going to a Phillies game. Because this unconscious change in priorities, we had same amount of money was going out each month, but where the money went was affected by our new priorities.

The best part is that I would pay all our extra money each month just to retain the endearing smile that crosses my face every time I think of my son. So far, being a parent has been easier and more wonderful than I thought. I wasn’t able to account for the depth of love and devotion that forms between a parent and a child. I would be willing to sacrifice a bunch of money each month, but it turns out that I don’t have too!


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